Blueprint Functional Health's Founder

About, Michael Leyva, CHEK, CNHP, FDN

For over 2 decades, Michael Leyva made a respectable living in the Medical Service Industry. When Michael’s wife, an oncology nurse, began suffering severe muscle and and extreme fatigue, their lives were thrown into turmoil. Other symptoms such as migraines, nausea and insomnia became more frequent and intense – Michael felt helpless without any way to help her.

Round after round of doctor visits began with consultation with her family doctor. A routine physical and blood work returned as normal. A gastroenterologist performed tests including a flex sigmoidoscopy – again with normal results. The rheumatologist found nothing as well, offering only harsh pain reliever prescriptions.

Searching for answers, Michael became a student and learned all he could about anatomy, physiology, nutrition and alternative medicine. His research paid off when he read about a little-known condition which matched his wife’s symptoms. He found a specialist, Dr. Silverman at Cedar Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and made an appointment for his wife. Michael’s suspicions were confirmed by Dr. Silverman – it was fibromyalgia.

Michael put his new knowledge to work and designed a plan to help his wife – a plan that included diet changes and natural supplements to ease pain.
This is the journey that brought Michael to become a Functional Health Practitioner. It is still his goal to help people on their unique health paths with their specific conditions by finding the root cause of their conditions. He has since earned several professional designations which help him stay abreast of advances to help his clients better.

“I’m not a doctor. I do not diagnose or treat disease. I’m a Certified Functional Health Practitioner who has been trained to thoroughly investigate and identify subclinical malfunctions. I seek to build health and balance to the body. 
I focus on the specific patient, not the disease!  
‘An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.’
Be proactive with your health, not reactive. 
You can choose to be diagnosed, treated and medicated by a disease specific  MEDICAL model for the masses, or you can choose a unique and specific health protocol based on your biochemical uniqueness.
You can strive or thrive, the choice is your’s.”

Michael Leyva