

A Personal Approach to Your Health

Our aim at Blueprint Functional Health is to find out how you function as an entire being—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We use extensive questionnaires and functional laboratory work to find the root causes of your symptoms.

We are not focused on diagnosing, treating, or managing disease. We focus on the person, not the disease. We are concerned with investigating and eliminating your symptoms, without the continuous use of medication to manage those symptoms.

We understand the difficulties you may face with your health issues and we strive to make it easier for you. That’s why Blueprint Functional Health offers in-office, in-home and telehealth. Learn more about recent advancements to Telemedicine and how Blueprint Functional Health can help. Find out More here.

Symptoms are your body’s way of telling you that you are out of balance.

With conventional allopathic medicine, when we present our symptoms to our doctors we are hoping for a solution. What we often receive is a diagnosis accompanied by a prescription to relieve our symptoms, and we are sent home. However, symptoms are the body’s way of telling us that something is out of balance; similar to the warning light that pops up on the dashboard of our cars when something is wrong.

Feel good again.

What they're Saying about Blueprint Functional Health

Lisa S.

As far as my symptom complaints:
Plantar facatis: gone except for mild tenderness on my heel.
Neck/shoulder pain and stiffness: gone.
Headaches: gone unless I eat something I know I shouldn’t on accident.
Menstral: amazing that I have virtually no cramps. Wow. Big change from just eating differently.
Weight: about two months in I started dropping weight. I think I’ve lost around 25 to 30 pounds.
Teeth grinding: gone.
Fatigue: I have more energy than when we started. I used to spend much of the day on the couch tired.

Naser L.

Nancy had been to so many doctors relating to her thyroid and consequences of it, you have been the ONLY tower of truth for what she really needs. I thank you for all your caring and special attention you are giving to her. Your name is always being mentioned by her in our house…

I look forward in visiting you soon.

Let's get to the bottom of your health

When we see our doctor for heartburn, the advice is to take nexium. Got high cholesterol? take Lipitor. You might prefer natural methods such as herbal supplements. Got heartburn? Take minerals. Got high cholesterol? Take garlic or red yeast bran. 

Although the natural method is safer than  prescription drugs, we are still not asking the right question: Why?  Why do I have heartburn? Why do I have high cholesterol? Why is it acceptable for your doctor to give you a pill to cover up the symptoms of your body?